Montag, 29. Februar 2016

English Lesson: Indian Cuisine

Im Januar haben wir uns im Fach Englisch 3B eingehend mit Indien befasst.

Am 18. Februar war es dann soweit: Gemeinsam mit Frau Muff kochten wir verschiedene indische Gerichte.

Hier sind ein paar Eindrücke der Schüler:

„This evening we learned many
spices and dishes from India. The chicken was very very good. We cooked the chicken masala.“

„We baked 34 round breads, called Naan.“ „We cooked a sauce (Raita) and spinach with cheese (paneer). This was not so nice. But the chicken was delicious and the bread, too.“

„It was great! We ate Indian food for the first time. The ingredients were ‚Kurkuma’ (turmeric), chili and chicken. The Indian people eat a lot of chili. For dessert we had Mango.“

„We made a dessert, kind of Milchreis (see picture below). It is called Kheer. The Indian food is spicy.“ „We cooked butter chicken. It is a special recipe. These recipes take a lot of time and we used a lot of spices. It was very good! The dessert was very good!“

„We made rice with sauce. We needed salt, pepper, capsicum and a lot of spices. Every group made another dish. I liked the rice with the spicy sauce. It was delicious and a lot of fun. We hope we can cook again with the English group.“

Eines der Desserts war das indische Milchreis, genannt Kheer.

Wer Lust hat, es auszuprobieren, findet unten eine Video-Anleitung.

Englischklasse 3B, Katharina Fischer

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