Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Halloween im Englischunterricht

Im Englischunterricht war das Thema der Unit 2 "Festivals, Feiertage und spezielle Feiern". Um an den entsprechenden Tagen von Oktober bis Dezember mehr zu den Feierlichkeiten oder Festtagen zu erfahren, war der Auftrag bzw. die Lernaufgabe oder sogenannte Task sich darüber zu informieren und dann der Klasse zu präsentieren.

Im folgenden Beitrag wird der amerikanische Feiertag vorgestellt:

by Mario & Shane (1.ORS)

What is the festival about?
Halloween means Hallows’ Evening. It is the evening before All Hallows’ Day, a Christian holiday, celebrated on the 1st of November. But that day was important already in ancient times. On the 1st of November, Celtic peoples celebrated the festival of Shamhuinn, which marked the beginning of winter and the Celtic New Year.
Where do you celebrate it?
We celebrate it with the family at home. We eat pumkin soupe and carve faces in the pumkins with knives.
We celebrate it on 31st of October.

The children go from house to house to  get sweets from other parents. Indeed, that’s the origin of TRICK OR TREAT. Be aware, however, as the custom has changed! Nobody is going to pray for you nowadays. Instead, if you don’t have a TREAT for the children in front of your door, they will most likely play a TRICK on you – that’s what TRICK OR TREAT is all about.
Because they celebrate the good harvest.

My personal opinion
I like Halloween very much, because I like to carve faces into the pumkins and make some pumkinnsoup. It’s funny to go from house to house to get sweets and then have a little PARTY!!!!

My personal opinion
I like Haloween not that much, because I don`t know it. I don‘t go and ask for sweets and make masks. In Switzerland we don’t make it like in America. In Stans the kids don’t come that much to the houses and ask for sweeets.

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