Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015

Englisch Lernen mit 4 Klässlern

Die Englischklasse 2B von Katharina Fischer und die 4. Klasse Grossmatt von Sandra Büchler trafen sich erneut zu einem gemeinsamen Englisch-Projekt. In Zweierteams (1 Schüler/in aus der ORS 2B und 1 Schüler/in aus der 4.Klasse) erfanden sie eine Geschichte. 

Anschliessend wurde alle Geschichten vorgelesen und eine davon zur Gewinnergeschichte auserkoren.
Viel Spass beim Lesen!

The adventure of Jonny English

Once upon a time a happy Queen lives in a big castle tower. She likes to drink tea with her friends. On a sunny day comes a parachute man and lands on her tower and kills the soldier.

The parachute man takes the Queen with him and jumps from the tower. He drives with the Queen to his secret house and wants 32 thousand Dollars or he will kill the Queen.

The police department gets the information and sends Jonny English. Jonny English flies to  the castle and searches information where they did go. Jonny English finds the secret house and sends a text message to the CIA and asks for 12 SWAT people to come. Because 20 bad boys are defending the house. Jonny English attacks the house with the SWAT and finds the Queen in the cellar. Jonny English killst the 20 bad boys and takes the Queen back to the tower. Jonny English goes home and gets 20 thousand Dollars and he’s going to eat lunch with his friends.

Happy End!

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